Last night Mike DeWine, our governor, gave his stay-at-home order. Beginning at midnight, we can no longer travel freely. We’re to stay at home.
Today the Surgeon General said basically (maybe actually): This is going to get bad. Get ready.
None of this is good news. How are we going to get through this?
Together. That’s how. We’re going to get through this together.
My first reaction, although I fully support the need for his order, was “I’m stuck”. Stuck in my house for at least two weeks, maybe for a couple of months. But am I? Are you? Are we stuck?
Or do we have a choice to turn this time into something productive, meaningful, valuable?
Is that possible? I know so. I’ve seen it. I’m doing it.
Try this:
- Start acting as if you are a carrier. Behave accordingly. Do whatever you would do to protect those you love. Doing that will better protect you as well. We’re in this together.
- Take a minute to stop and catch your breath. Do just one thing to calm yourself down: breathe, meditate, exercise, listen to calming music. Whatever works for you. Just one thing.
- Imagine the headlines when we first learn the virus is subsiding, or we’ve found a way to stop it. Wow! We did it! Can you picture it? Can you feel it in your body? That sense of relief, pride. Now imagine the reporter is writing about you. What do you want your headline to be? What do you want to be able to say to yourself? What do you want to be known for? One thing— write it down, share it or do something to keep that picture in front of you. That my friends is the first step in to help us get through this— together.
My vision is when this is over: We will be known for having helped all of us—especially our businesses – move quickly through fear to creating new opportunities and value.
That’s my vision? What’s yours?
Take care. Be safe. See you tomorrow.
Please help spread this message. We’re in this together – and we need all the help we can get.