It’s not news that the national pandemic has taken a toll on working parents, specifically mothers, over the past year.
The evolution of work-from-home, online learning for young ones, and the hybrid parent-teacher-leader-caregiver serve as a new normal for many of us. Around-the-clock caregiving – not only as a parent but also as a leader and mentor within the workplace – takes a toll on our mental capacity and thus, our ability to perform.
“…a newly released Institute for Women’s Policy Research report stated that, from February to May 2020, 11.5 million women lost their jobs (compared with 9 million men), and between August and September another 865,000 left the labor market (four times the number of men who were no longer employed or looking for work),” per Forbes in the article Where Have All The Women Gone?
How does this information resonate with your situation? Does it relate closely to how your family has dealt with the last year? Perhaps you know a coworker or close friend who may have endured a mandatory shift in their career?
The data is there. It’s our job to support one another through this time. How can you find support as a parent, and how can you offer a helping hand to your fellow caregivers?
First, let’s focus on getting you in the right headspace. Join us in this Daily Lift exercise to recharge your energy and offer a clear perspective for the rest of the week.
Take a deep breath in.
Exhale out a sigh.
Let your shoulders fall away from your ears.
Move your head gently side to side.
Allow your body to relax and be still.
“Life is a drama full of tragedy and comedy. You should learn to enjoy the comic episodes a little more.”-Jeannette Walls, American author of The Glass Castle
Jeannette Walls is known for her wild nomadic upbringing that she writes about in her memoir, The Glass Castle. She describes her childhood as a time of constant turbulence that was filled with unpredictable seasons of change and disruption.
However, living through constant disruption also helped her develop an innate sense of resilience for seeing the “lighter” or “comedic” side of situations.
Think about a situation (big or small) that you could look at with a different lens. Is there a funny or lighthearted element to the situation?
Today, try and bring a bit of humor to frustrating or unpredictable situations. You may be surprised at how a bit of laughter can brighten your mood.
Remember to laugh today. It is said to be the best medicine!
The S4 Daily Lift is the lifeline to enable business leaders to generate energy, momentum, and new opportunity in a time of unprecedented change. Pause, read, reflect, plan, and go! delivered to your inbox each work day. Explore the new platform here.